
It's Friday!

Woohoo, it's FRIDAY! Can you sense my excitement? I'm so ready for what the weekend has in store. And ready for some R&R, that's for sure.

Today I'm linking up with Lauren @ Lauren Elizabeth  for High Five For Friday.

1. This week I participated in the 7x7 Remix with Audrey @ Putting Me Together and Natalia @ Ma Nouvella Mode. I had a great time planning the outfits and seeing what everyone else came up with! It was my first time taking photos of myself with a tripod. That was an, uhm, interesting experience. Major kudos to all of you out there with flawless photos! It's only Week 2 of this for me and I'm already learning more about blogging everyday; most of all that the right eye (and equipment) for photography is a must. In case you missed it, you can check out my remix here.

2. My parents are visiting today! Usually I go to their place. It's the first time my dad's seen our townhouse; it's nothing fancy, but I'm always excited to show it off!

3. I think I deserve a high five for shopping with my fiancé at T.J. Maxx this week and buying nothing, I repeat, nothing, for myself! We were there to shop for work and exercise clothes for him and somehow I managed to stick to those parameters without aimlessly wandering into the home décor or the size 8 and 1/2 shoe section. My wallet loves me! [no photo on this one. It's not as much fun taking pics of BOY clothes]

4. Painting my nails with my 3 year old, soon-to-be niece. Pink and glitter, what could be better!

Can I just eat this out of the can?
 5. Heavenly dessert of the week: angel food cake with fresh organic strawberries and, of course, topped with whipped cream. Y-U-M.


I'm linking up with all of the lovely blogs listed below. Check 'em out!
Happy Friday!

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life rearranged



  1. Definitely nothing more awkward than trying to take photos of yourself with the tripod, but your's look great! Popping by from Lauren's blog :)

    1. Thank you, Erin! That's really encouraging to hear :)

  2. YAY for Friday! I love your looks for the 7x7 challenge! Great style! xo

  3. You're outfits are awesome. I am so impressed that you reworked all those pieces.

    Have a great weekend and thanks for linking for Friday Favorites!

    1. Thanks so much, Lindsey! Hope you had a great weekend.

  4. Such cute outfits!! Taking inspiration :)
    Thank you sooooo much for linking up with us!! Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks, Beth!! :) Hope you had a good one too!

  5. Cute outfits! Thank your for linking up with us!
